After the last post in my blog, I was not able to select a topic for my next post. I was wondering what to write when I read a blog written by one of my friends. This friend is a new entrant to the blog business and had chosen to write about her favorite God in her very first blog. Then it struck me as to why not write about temples!!!!!!
In my short life I have been fortunate to visit many temples in South India. During most of my Vacations I used to visit temples outside Kerala along with my parents, Tirupati being the most favored destination. In those times, though i liked to go to temples I have always wondered why it that we go only to places where there are temples. Why not other places? Though I have not asked this question to my parents, now I feel I have got the answer to all those questions which kept creeping up in my childhood.
In my words Temple is a Hospital, School, Gym and last but not the least a Restaurant in one place. Readers please do not misunderstand me as I have used these words to explain a temple. I will be explaining how the features of the 4 are present in a temple!!!!!!!!!!
Most of the people come to the temple to express their sorrow/vows to the almighty and seek his blessings/ remedy from the misery they are undergoing. Each person having a darshan of the God comes out of the temple relieved and with the belief that God will take care of his/her problems. I am trying to compare God to a doctor who cures all of health problems. The sandal paste that we get from the temple can be compared to that of medicine. Sandalwood is said to possess medicinal values and has been proved scientifically to heal many ailments.
Each temple that we visit has something to tell us. It may be history which is depicted through its architecture or the place’s culture. Each temple is unique in itself. To mention a few temples whose architecture has greatly influenced me are
- Tirupati -for its sheer size
- Madurai Meenakshi -for its corridors and Gopurams
- Rameshwaram- for it famous wells
There are scores of temples in India which depict the architecture of the period in which they were built.
From the point of view of the culture, its worth mentioning that in India each state has its own culture and it is reflected in the manner in which the temples are run. The temples in Kerala do not function in the same manner as that of Tamil Nadu or Karnataka. Similarly South Indian States have a totally different rituals at their temples compared to that of the North India. This is despite the fact that people worship the same gods/goddesses. What I meant to say was that temples are places where different cultures can be learned studied and understood.
Well its sounds a little modern and out of the way for a temple to be called a Gym!!!!!!! I agree, but friends have we ever thought that the “namaskarams” and “pradakshinas” that we put/make in a temple are an exercise in itself, though we don’t realize it. If u have noticed people who go to the temple regularly stay healthy and fit. One of the reasons may be due to what I have explained above.
Last but not least how can one forget the tasty “Prasadam” that we get from the temples. For Konkani’s the “samradhan” (a feast) is an event which he/she would not afford to miss. The temples in Karnataka offer food all day long. I personally have visited many temples in Karnataka and have been fortunate enough to have tasted the “prasadams” there. One particular temple which requires mention is the Annapoornaswari Temple in Dakshin Kannada district where as per the tradition no person, who comes searching for food, is sent back without offering the prasadam.
Well I think it is the lengthiest post I have written so far. For those ppl who are reading this sentence a sincere thanks for giving a patient reading.
More on temples will continue in my subsequent posts. Till then I pray that all the living things be happy and live peacefully.
`Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu'