It’s really a long time since I have blogged anything. Actually my office work has held me up for the past several weeks. In fact it should be “holding me up” and not “held me up”. So today I decided what come may I will put down a post. The past may weeks as I mentioned earlier has been truly a learning experience in many aspects. I had the good fortune to visit a new country (Singapore), I shifted to a new premises and now have a flat all for myself. All this were actually materials for my posts but as usual work held me up.
The only relaxing moments amongst this hectic work schedules are the short chats with my colleague sitting next to me, the evening walk with yet another colleague and of course Cable TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it was during this one relaxing moment through Cable TV that I came across an advertisement. It was an ad from Bajaj Fans. What struck me the most abt this ad is the manner in which the idea of air speed was conveyed. This ad shows how an old woman can be made to look like a young lady because of the speed generated by the fan. The ad shows that because of the speed generated, the old lady’s wrinkled and sagging skin is transformed temporarily into normal skin. (I hope u ppl understood the meaning as I don’t know how better to describe the ad!!!!!!!!!!).
Well the point I need to make here was the manner in which advertisements have grown from a medium of just marketing the product to a medium of entertainment. Nowadays, advertisements are more of entertainment. They convey a lot of idea, lot of humor, lot of emotion apart from the outsmarting competition (as seen in the pic above!!!!!). Children and elders alike look forward to seeing such advertisements.
Since then I have been closely following the advertisements on TV (particularly Indian Channels) and I find that all ads can be categorized into 2 types
Ads which go straight into the product like the Reliance Insurance ads
Ads which convey the advantages of the product through an idea like the bajaj fans ad
I think it that advertisement industry has also carved out its place in the corporate sector and very soon we may have ad companies listing in stock exchanges and coming up with IPO’s!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I should admit that ad makers are a different class of artisits.
To end I will leave you with some of the ads that really impressed me and which I feel u ppl should check out
- Bajaj Fans
- Mentos
- Western Union
- Reliance Communications
- Dove
- Fevicol