If you think you have won when your parents agree to some of your requests then please be aware that a lot of thought and strategy must have gone into your request before they decide to heed to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well this is my post after a fairly long interval. So I thought why not I share with you ppl my experience in a restaurant. It happened last week. I was alone that day and went for lunch at my usual restaurant. Since the place was crowded I sat alongside a elderly gentleman (hereinafter referred to as the “strategist”, sorry for the legal terminology). He was chatting with his colleague on several things. Normally I go out with my colleague for lunch (the same one abt whom I was referring to in my previous blog) and we chat abt various issues while eating. That day I had no one to speak with and I decided to listen to what our Strategist was saying. Both of them were talking abt there families who were back home. For the conversation I understood that both of them had college growing children.
The topic for discussion that day was the demand for a motor cycle by Strategist colleague’s son. Our strategist narrated the strategy he used when a similar request was put to him by his son. According to him the strategy for such a request should be two fold
1. Never dishearten your children by rejecting their request
He says never reject such request and accept them whole heartedly. This way you will make you children happy and the will never feel let down.
2. Transfer the entire responsibility of the request on your children
However he says that parents should make it clear that by accepting to the child’s request the responsibility of the parent is over. He says when his son asked for a bike, he immediately accepted the request. But he made it clear to his son that now it is up to him to find the bike he wanted and tell his father
Now the fact is that, as our strategist said, till now his son has not found a bike to his liking!!!!!!!!!!!! According to the strategist, whenever children are given the responsibility to carry out a decision they go on the defensive mode and are not able to decide on the best alternative. He says that it is always better to adopt such a strategy when it comes to deciding on uncomfortable requests from the children.
To end this post, as put in by one of my colleagues this may not hold well in all the cases. I look forward to hear from all the readers’ abt whether the 2 pronged strategy of our strategist is effective or not.
Hahhh good one rahul bhai... But nowadays kids are clever enough to tackle their parents strategies.....
They will ask for the expensive one and in that case, responsibilty will come back to parents as a boomerang......
Also this generation kids have enough knowledge about all the brands.. be it bile or shirt or jeans or...etc etc... they specifically ask for a particular brand.... if u have got any doubt.... please come down to our own M.G.Road and spend an evening watching all the shops.. hahhhhh What say????
Bottom line is....
Never ever under estimate KIDS..... hahhhh
i think startegist was lucky he had a son who cudn't decide.. most kids r so smart these days i dont think that strategy is fit to work at all..
y no posts this month?? n u have been tagged.
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