January 07, 2007


hello everyone (its for those who might read this post!!!!!!!!!!) i am back. As i progress through my 2nd year in the gulf as well as 2nd year away from home, i would like to look back at the changes which have come in me, the occassions i have missed and the moments i have enjoyed.

This post is about me for those people who have not known me or seen me but are reading my posts. Friends this is the first time in my life that i am writing about myself apart from writing in interview forms!!!!!!!

Starting from my school days, i have been an introvert person, which i guess comes from the fact that i am a single child. But this can be argued as i have come across people who are the single child of their parents and are extroverts. Anyways thats what i was ( i mean "am "still to a large extent). Until joing Varma & Varma for pursuing my CA studies, my life was normal with not much of hoolah or blasts. My friends circle was limited and had got the tag of book worm ( though i personally feel i am not that voracious a reader to get the tag!!!!!!!).
But Varma & Varma changed the course of my life. its what u can say the turning point of my life. the people who joined along with me were a great bunch and we gelled together as a great unit right frm day 1. At this point i would like to address them only as nutsnbolts. A proper intro and post of nutsnbolts will come later.
i personally feel that i have shed my introvertness to a great extent since joining varma. i am not sure whether the credit for this change has to go to Varma or My nutsnbolts.
After my stint in Varma, my next venture was a small tenure of 5 months in Tyco as a accounts officer. The next change was flying to UAE for a job and thats where i am at the moment.
this experience has gone a long way in shaping up my professional career and personal life. Well there will be more about that in the next post as i am tired of typing.

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